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House cleaning in Vilnius

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House cleaning

Not satisfied with the cleanliness of your home? Now you can find professionals providing home cleaning services with just a few steps.

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Popular PROs

All tasks insured for € 1,000,000

Valentas V. 68.75 €/h

VIP member
5.0 (78)

Darbu atlikimo patirtis daugiau nei 25 metai.Atliekame greitai ir kokybiskai elektros instalecijos,santehnikos,buitines tehnikos montavyma,ventelecijos montavymo darbus,plyteliu klyjavymas,valymo ir...

Eglė G. 30.00 €/h

VIP member
4.9 (98)

Atlieku namų ir butų valymo paslaugas. Gyvenu netoli Riešės, tad šios apylinkės darbui man būtų aktualiausios, bet pagal susitarimą, atvykstu ir į Vilnių. Save apibudinčiau, kaip visapusiškos tvarko...

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Brigita S. 28.75 €/h

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About this service

Your house should feel as a sanctuary, a relaxing place to come back to after a long day of work. What if instead you’re feeling overwhelmed with all the housework and fast-accumulating dust and dirt? Hiring a professional home cleaning service may be the solution. It can help prevent stress, help control allergies caused by indoor irritants and make for a happy, healthy home.

House Cleaning cost

Services on Discontract are charged hourly rates the final house cleaning service cost mostly depends on the size of your home and cleaning difficulty.

Because each job is unique, most professionals will only be able to confirm the task duration after completing a walk-through of your home, or by receiving detailed information from you.

Tips for Hiring the Right Pro for House Cleaning

First things first – go to cleaners’ profiles to check ratings and read client reviews. This will help you make sure the quality of their services is high.

Looking for recurring house cleaning services? Build a relationship! If you’ve already had your house cleaned once and we’re happy with the job, book the service again with the same pro. This creates consistency and accountability.

Although many individual house cleaners don't have formal systems in the way they work, don't hesitate to ask for what you want. Most small businesses are happy to work with you in a more structured way if you desire. The best working relationships are always based on clear communication and clearly stated expectations.

Benefits of Regular House Cleaning

House cleaning can be a real chore, with so much dust and dirt, all that heavy cleaning equipment, and the time it takes — time you need to spend working, taking care of your kids, traveling or volunteering. It's an additional challenge if you have any kind of mobility issues.

Besides, you can't just do it once and be done; your house demands cleaning again and again. Fortunately, regular cleaning services are no longer an unattainable luxury. In fact, budgeting in a regular cleaning service can be worth the investment for the additional freedom and time you get back.

In fact, the more you have your house cleaned, the lower the cost per cleaning usually is, as it's easier to keep your home clean with regular cleaning visits than with intensive efforts once or twice a year.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning and Supplies

Some pros provide services using green products that are easier on the environment and on humans.

Many cleaning products (especially industrial-strength) are known to contain toxic chemicals that are harmful to adults, children, and the environment. This makes choosing a green cleaning service particularly attractive, especially if you have young children or someone with a compromised immune system in the house. It's also better for the environment and the health of the cleaners who work directly with the products every day.

The prices of professionals who use or offer green products as an option may be slightly higher, but you will always be able to check and compare rates before booking a service. If the pro does not specify the type of products they work with on their profile, and you wish to book an eco-friendly cleaning service, send them a message – they may be able to provide it upon request.

In some cases, acquiring greener cleaning supplies might suppose an extra cost to the cleaner, so it’s always advisable to agree on these potential expenses beforehand by using the communication tools available on Discontract.

Find a House Cleaner Near You

Looking to make your home sparkly clean again? Find and hire a house cleaning service near you today.