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Furniture assembly in Vilnius

About this service

Furniture assembly

Whether it's a small cabinet by the bed, or a complete set of IKEA furniture for the living room, our guess is that you do not want nor have the time to navigate complex assembly instructions. Contact a professional and see how quickly everything can find its place.

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About this service

People most commonly hire pros to help assemble beds, desks, tables, chairs, bookshelves, entertainment centers, coffee tables, outdoor furniture, and playground sets. Most professionals can get the job done regardless of the type of furniture piece and whether the instructions are available or not. Assembling furniture is a pain, so why not hire a professional to do it for you? Before you hire someone, there are a few things you should know – let’s break it down (pun definitely intended).

Furniture Assembly Service Cost

Handymen and furniture specialists can be hired to assemble just one piece or multiple pieces of furniture. Several factors affect the overall cost of furniture assembly services, including an hourly rate, geographic location, and travel fees. The more time an assembly project takes, the higher the cost.

IKEA Furniture Assembly

Ikea designs are made for easy installation. With tools and instructions provided, you can easily install a piece of Ikea furniture with little prior experience. However, when you’re assembling more than one piece, or a complex item like a sofa or bed, installation hours can add up and you’re left frustrated and tired. The majority of furniture assembly professionals are familiar with Ikea’s products, and can assemble your boxed items with ease.

Travel fees

Travel is generally included in most furniture assemblers’ hourly pricing. However, some may charge an additional fee if a customer’s home or office is outside the professional’s standard service range. This additional cost helps cover the assembler’s time and transportation expenses traveling to and from the job site.

Benefits of Professional Furniture Assembly

To most people, assembling furniture is time consuming, difficult, and overall a total pain. From frustrating and complicated instruction manuals to lifting awkward, heavy boxes, it’s enough to make us not want to buy furniture at all. That’s why it’s a smart move to hire a professional furniture assembler or handyman to do the heavy lifting for you (literally).

When you hire a professional, you can relax while your new furniture is being assembled and installed with the utmost care – and even focus your valuable time back onto other things. To furniture assembly professionals, even the most complicated pieces come easily to them. Professionals also have comprehensive tool boxes, containing that wrench or screw that mysteriously went missing from the box. When you hire a professional, you can rest assured knowing that they have the right tools to get the job done efficiently. Not only will it save you time – it will preserve your sanity, too.

Find a Professional Furniture Assembler Near You

Overwhelmed with assembly instructions? Find and hire a professional furniture assembly service near you today.